Saturday, January 21, 2012

meet cooper...

  We went to Wabash to buy plants, seeds and other things for the garden this morning...not only did we buy things for the garden, we came home with Cooper...he is a ShiPoo and is soooooo sweet!
 This is my can't sit in his lap!  Buckles is a little jealous of Cooper.
Ugh!!!! What is that?!  Chance is not very happy about our new addition to the family.


kristie said...

hahah that picture of buckles and cooper is so cute!

Rita said...

He is so CUTE!!!!! Wish I could talk Ron into another dog:-)

Debbie said...

Thanks Rita...dogs are wonderful...even tho Cooper has me up at 3am...he's worth it and i know it's only for a short period of time.