Friday, October 26, 2012

more pumpkins

I love pumpkins!  I went shopping at Trader Joe's yesterday and just had to sketch these pumpkins by the door.  TJ's is in the old Alabama movie theatre at the corner of South Shepherd and Alabama.

Friday, October 12, 2012

pumpkin patch

I did this quick sketch at the pumpkin patch at St. Andrew's Church this morning...added watercolor when I got home.

Thursday, October 11, 2012


 This past weekend DH and I traveled to Charleston, South Carolina.  There are lots of churches there...
 Cobblestone streets...
 food...we were not impressed with any of the food that we ate there...this crab cake looks better than it tasted.
 This is a view from Battery Park...we walked down to the water everyday.
 The Entrance to their city market.

 We had a nice much history and's a great place to visit.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

5 minute sketches...

 I've started keeping 3x5 pieces of paper by my favorite chair in the living room and on my table by my bed, so I can sketch at anytime without needing my sketchbook( I read this tip on someones blog, but can't remember who's).  Friday night DH was watching "Sons of Anarchy", so I decided to do a quick sketch of one of the actors.  Last night I asked Kris if she recognized who it was and she said Ron Perlman...I didn't even know his name at the time...I do not watch this show...the rest of my family does.
The moon has been so bright the past few days, so this morning after I took the dogs out, I took my sketchbook and watercolors outside and did a quick sketch with only a waterbrush and paints.  Not the best picture, but you get the idea.  3x5

Monday, September 24, 2012


I sketched this Puffin from a photo...I think they are such a unique bird.  I'd like to travel to Maine one summer...when they are nesting there.  The female lays only one egg...both the male and female take care of their "baby" until it is 6 weeks old.  They have such a bright and colorful beak.

Sketched in my 9x6 Venezia sketchbook.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012


 I sketched this man while watching a british TV show on Netflix.  I used a Pentel Aquash brush pen...I like that the ink is a light black...not gray.
Playing around with gouache in my sketchbook.

Friday, September 14, 2012

just a few sketches...

 I love to watch "Ice Road Truckers" on the History channel on Sunday nights.  Quick sketch in pencil of Austin.
 I've started riding my bike around our that it has cooled down a bit.  I stood at the corner of 518 and Yost and sketched Leon's Barber Shop.  Too much traffic!  I quickly sketched this with brush pen.  Leon knows everything going on in our city...even tho the population has exceeded 100,000 people.
 I'm not much of a shopper...except for art supplies.  I sat in my car after coming out of Texas Art and sketched the water tower at the mall.  I was not impressed with the Pumpkin cheese muffin from Starbucks.  I didn't get a pumpkin spice latte today...that's for Friday.  
 Sketched this after driving-thru Starbucks this morning, for my weekly Pumpkin Spice to drink them while I can.
Jax Burgers are the best around!  DH, Kris and I ate there this past Saturday.  I struggled to sketch this man...he just wouldn't hold still and don't ask me what that is on his chin.

I've done really good this week about sketching something everyday...I'm just not going to post all of them and bore you.

Friday, September 7, 2012

this and that...

 We are suppose to get our first "cold" front Saturday night...I am so looking forward to it, so I made baked potato soup...yum!
 I'm not a beer drinker, but I saw these Lime-A-Rita's in the doorway at Kroger's and decided to give them a try...they taste pretty good.
 I haven't sketched in forever, so yesterday, I brought out one of my sketchbooks and did this sketch.
 It's Pumpkin Spice Latte time at Starbucks.  I had my sketchbook with me this morning, so I decided to sketch while I was in the line at the drive-thru.  I was so busy trying to get something down on paper, I passed the "order box" and had to back-up...luckily, the lady behind me wasn't paying attention.
 I've been working on this painting this week...I am only using two complimentary colors...blues and oranges.  24x30
I thought I would end this post with one of our babies...that Cooper is such a sweetie!

Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

under the ice

We like to watch a TV show called Bering Sea Gold: Under the Ice...that is what inspired this painting.  24x30

Monday, August 27, 2012

groomer day...

 What?!...I waz tatin a nap!  I had a ruff morning.
I knowd iz cute!  Could you rub my belly...please!

Friday, August 24, 2012


 I've gotten into the habit of only taking pictures with my me lazy.  I love that I only have to have my phone close to my computer and they automatically upload...there's no having to attach a cord and choose the pictures I want on my computer.  I know it's not the best pictures, but Oh well!

I have been working on this piece off and on all week...I'm calling it "Flow"'s 36x24...I have it hanging in our sitting room, trying to decide if it needs some tweaking.  
 I tweaked this's now hanging in our entryway.
 I'm trying to lose 5 to 10 pounds, so I'm cutting out most bread...I think that's my problem...we shall see.  I love Duke's mayo and Del Dixi pickles in my tuna salad...just thought I would share that with you.
I'm a color junkie...I love turquoise and yellow together.  I have been "neutralizing" all the walls in our house, so that we can move...hopefully within a year from now...if not sooner.  I'm missing color on the walls, so I have placed something turquoise in every room.  The small colander has permanent residence in our dish thingy.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Friday, August 17, 2012

this is this and that is that...

I've decided screw the rules of art...I'm going to paint how I want and use whatever colors I want!  For the past six years, I have painted from life and tried to follow "the rules" more.  The name of this piece is "This is This and That is That."  I'm not finished with it yet...I'm trying to keep it in high key values's 24x24 and I know exactly where I'm going to hang it.

I'm going to try and do better about I have not intentions of posting on my other blog is enough!

Friday, August 10, 2012


Cooper is the happiest little guy...he always has a grin on his face!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

on my easel

I'm painting larger, looser, adding more texture and leaning towards more abstraction...16x20

Friday, August 3, 2012

I've been working larger...this painting is is now hanging in our guest room.  I took this pictures with my iPhone.

Friday, June 1, 2012

unwanted visitors...

We have had raccoons living in our attic...we tried trapping them ourselves...that didn't work, so we hired someone.  Hopefully this is the last ones we see!

Saturday, May 12, 2012


Kristie graduated yesterday afternoon from Texas A&M University...Yay...we are finished!!!!

Sunday, March 18, 2012


Cooper after his first haircut!

Note:  I will be posting my art on my art journal from now on.

Saturday, February 25, 2012


He has gotten so big...he's mostly hair right now...we probably won't even recognize him once he gets his first haircut.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

coffee study

6x6 acrylic on canvas panel

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

signs of spring...

 Meyer lemon blooms...
 blueberry blooms...
Off the needles...two washcloths...spring colors.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

poor buckles...

Buckles has had a rough time the past week and a half...first he had GastroEnteritis and then yesterday he had his teeth cleaned...the vet found 5 loose teeth, so they had to be pulled.  The good thing is his mouth smells so much better!  I sure hope this is the end of his problems for awhile.

another tomato study...

I decided to paint another tomato study today...this time only tomatoes...I spent too much time on the glass yesterday...4x4 acrylic...20 minute study.

Monday, February 6, 2012

tomato study...

6x4 acrylic on paper

Sunday, February 5, 2012

in the garage...

 I bought this mirror at an estate sale a few weeks was so disgusting...this is after I used a wire brush, sandpaper and cleaner on it.
After the first coat of was still wet in this picture.