Wednesday, July 29, 2009

sketches and underpainting studies...

I'm trying to get back into the habit of sketching everyday or at least 5 times a week!
Here are a couple of studies that I'm working on...I'm hoping to paint them larger, that's if, these small studies turn out the way I want them too.


kristie said...

why would you waste your time drawing that pathetic excuse of a "president"!

Debbie said...

now, now kris...he is the president of the "free world."

lisa said...

debbie, next time warn me of what is on your blog so that i don't get a scare like that!LOL!

Debbie said...

ok, lisa, i know where you are coming from...i just sketched him because he was sitting still and i'm trying to get back into people sketching. i'm so glad kris didn't say what i know she really wanted to say...i would of had to delete it! lol

Rita said...

You are quite the artist!! I love looking at your sketches....did you take any classes or just pickup charcoals??? I agree with you very intelligent daughter!!! Then again, I work in healthcare and might be biased;-)

Debbie said...

thanks rita! I haven't taken any classes...i have taught myself by watching dvd's, reading and practice, practice and more practice! I started back at the end of december 2005, when britt and kris were still in high school...i needed "stress relief"...kris was trying my patients on a daily basis and britt was fixing to graduate from h.s. drawing is the key to art...i always have a sketchbook in my purse and one sitting on my desk in the kitchen. if you ever want to learn to sketch, just let me know, i have several good books i could loan you. i started trying to paint first, but i have learned that drawing is the first thing you should learn to do...anyone can's all about really "seeing"...that's something that just takes time. kris will be happy to know that another "aggie" agrees with her!