Friday, July 17, 2009

last day

This is Fugly...I thought he was a hen, but a few days after DH processed the Dominique roosters, Fugly "showed himself." I don't know what kind of chicken he is, but he has the prettiest feathers. I wanted him to be a hen, so that we could keep him. He is constantly going under the construction fencing and trying to mate with the red hens...they can't stand him. He caught one of the reds feasting on a bug this morning and was able to get on her back. As soon as he got off, she started pecking him and then screaming and chasing him. He paced back and forth trying to get back with the one Dominique hen and two Leghorn hens. I went in there and told him, "You get what you deserve for wandering over here with the reds, when you know that don't like you!" I picked him up and took him back to the hens that tolerate him. He'll be taking an ice bath tomorrow. Mildred, Penelope, and Petunia will be joining the reds tomorrow...that should be interesting.

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