Friday, October 31, 2008

happy halloween

I was outside around 7:30 this morning with the dogs and saw the beautiful puffy clouds, so I ran back inside and grabbed my camera...this picture doesn't do the sky justice...I loved the way the clouds were an alizarin crimson on the bottom and purple/gray on top.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

lunch sketches

I'm trying to get myself back in the habit of sketching while I eat lunch...DH will be happy to know that I am sitting at the table and not stand at the island gobbling down my food. This little boy was sitting on a pumpkin, holding a big zucchini squash...I didn't get time to sketch the pumpkins in...I'm trying to get the sketch on paper in the amount of time it takes me to eat my lunch...the angle of his head was giving me trouble. sketched this yesterday from a farm blog.
I hate the pen I used for this sketch...I won't be picking that pen again...I sketched this picture from a chicken magazine I bought Saturday at the feed store in Arcola...we went there to look around during their trade days. I was so annoyed with this pen, I sat there sketching even after I finished my lunch...sketched this Tuesday.
I sketched this today from the newspaper...she was sitting on a purple couch and I'm not sure what that dress/shirt is she is wearing. I don't have a lot of time right now to paint, so you will probably see a lot of my lunch time sketches. I'm trying to read as much as I can about raising chickens and keeping up with my domestic chores.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

feeling like crap...

Yesterday morning, I woke up with a sore throat...grrrr! For lunch I zapped chicken and rice soup. After reading about the salmonila in the chicken pot pies last week, I thought I should make sure the chicken in this soup was hot enough, so while I let it cool off, I sketched this page using red-black ink that isn't waterproof and then added a little water with my water brush.

Monday, October 27, 2008

random monday

Not only are we planting a garden...we have decided to raise chickens for meat and eggs. DH working on the chicken coop...we have ordered 50 day old chicks...they will be here around the 19th of November.
B was home this weekend...she helped with the coop.
I finished this pair of seaweed socks.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

home grown

Almost ready to be picked...
Picked this trio this morning.

Monday, October 20, 2008

study...the path

7x5 acrylic study...this is the first time I have tried to paint a nocturnal scene. I used a photo as reference that DH took in Aspen, Colorado.
This morning I decided to slap some red and yellow acrylic paint on this panel...if the painting turns out the way I want it too, it will be very bright.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

since my last post

Yesterday, the boys and I drove to CS to see B and K... and Abby. K and I went to the Dixie Chicken to pick up lunch and this red pot statue was in the parking lot. Red pots love to hang out at "The Chicken."
DH built this plow for our 25 year old John Deer tractor...DH has a new tractor in the garage, but he only uses it to mow the lawn...he just couldn't part with this tractor...he's always welding something to it.
This is what the garden looks like after he plowed it...the thing actually worked. lol
Yes, we are still cleaning up after IKE...this is the stack we cleaned up this past weekend...I sure hope one of those big trucks picks this stack up before Friday. I'm hoping we are finished by Thanksgiving!
I've been working on this 14x11 mixed media painting off and on for the past couple of weeks...I just can't seem to finish it.

Friday, October 10, 2008


It finally rained Tuesday, but only for a brief moment.
7x5 acrylic study on gessoed masonite panel
I was trying to paint loose in acrylic...not any easy thing to do...they dry quickly...unlike oils that take days to dry.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

lunch sketch

My lunch yesterday...yes, I know bacon is bad for you. I only eat it about twice a month.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

guess who's birthday?

It's Chance's 4th birthday! Where does time go?! Before you know it, he'll be heading off to college! lol If your wondering why he's not looking at the camera, it's because he's looking at the treat in my hand. He hates his picture taken, so I have to trick him.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

quick sketches

It hasn't rained since Ike. Yesterday, I googled "walking in the rain" to see what pictures I could find and found several that I might actually do something with.
just a face sketch.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

24 years

What's left of the Texas City dike area.

Today is our 24th anniversary. We drove to Texas City hoping to get to the dike and walk along the water, but no such luck. The city still has it closed...all of the buildings along the dike are gone. I really wanted to go to the beach, but that's not going to happen for a few months...thanks to Ike. The top picture is as close to the dike as we could get and the rest of the pictures are in a park in Texas City along the water.