Tuesday, September 25, 2007

red sketchbook doodles

I bought this sketchbook in July...just now starting to use it...the good thing is it has over 200 pages that I can doodle on! Below are some of my doodles from the past couple of days.
Walter brought this bag of chocolate coated cashews back from Canada last week.

I started out eating something good for breakfast, but by mid morning I was eating Funyuns. I added color with watercolor pencils...without the water.

I always clean out our bookshelves at least once a year and take those I know we won't be reading anymore to a used bookstore to sell.

I love Funyuns! I only buy the lunch size bags, so I only eat a small portion...if I had a large bag, I would probably eat the whole thing in one sitting...not a good thing! added watercolor pencils.

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