Thursday, July 19, 2007

Internet Problems

Even tho I'm not posting any pictures today, I thought I would vent a little. I haven't posted since Monday because of COMCAST!!! I hate their Internet and digital phone service! Every time we have problems with the Internet (which has been at least once a week, since they took over Time Warner) it affects our wireless router. I tried for HOURS Tuesday to get the Internet to work...even called those A-holes from Comcast and they were useless! I have to remember to call them on my cell phone and not their digital service because if I call them on the land line and they tell me to disconnect the power to their modem the phone gets disconnected and I have to call them back on my cell phone and talk to someone else and go through the whole process again!!! Grrrr! Luckily, on Tuesday I was able to connect their piece of @#%$ modem to one of the desktops and get service, so at least we have one computer with Internet service...we just have to take turns, which is not fun with 2 teenage girls! DH returns from Canada tonight, so hopefully he can figure out the problem with the modem and router! Ok, I'll stop venting now!

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