Tuesday, July 31, 2007

What Do You Mean?!

This is how Chance acts when you tell him no more treats! I just love this little dog!

pen and markers in aquabee

Monday, July 30, 2007


I'm not sure what this symbol stands for, but it's Pei Wei's. DH and I ate there Friday night...I always order the Honey Seared Chicken or Shrimp with brown rice...I'm such a creature of habit. I always take home leftovers, but it doesn't last long in the frig...B&K love it too!

pen and markers in aquabee

Sunday, July 29, 2007

On My Art Table

A few art supplies on my art table...the drafting brush was DH's...so it's pretty much an antique.

pen and chartpak markers.

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Hell's Kitchen

This is Hell's Kitchen's 3rd season, but our first to watch it. All Chef Ramsay does is yell and spout profanity...I'd have to smack the man! Just about every other word has to be bleeped out. I read an article in TV Guide magazine about him and decided to draw my cartoon version of him.

I plan on focusing on my drawing/sketching for the next 6 months because I am de-cluttering, re-organizing and simplifying our life. We plan on starting to update our bathroom at the end of August, so all I have time for right now is quick sketches.

pen and chartpak markers in aquabee...I really like these markers

Friday, July 27, 2007

Now Seriously...

who would fall for any of these lines of BS?! I saw this article in the Houston Chronicle this week...it screamed sketch me! lol I surely hope my daughters never fall for any of these lines! Who just tells a girl "I'd like to check you for ticks"?! I like some country music, but I'll stick with my 70's and 80's music.

pen and chartpak ad markers in aquabee...the colors in the scan are a little off

Thursday, July 26, 2007

A Good Year

In our DVD A Good Year...with Russell Crowe...there was a flyer about this wine, so we bought a bottle. It was just ok, but now I can say I have something from France! lol I plan on going to France as soon as both our daughters are out of college...with or without DH.

This is what the back of the page looks like...I thought it was interesting how the markers bleed through.

pen and Chartpak markers in aquabee

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

EDM#87...Draw Your Lunch

I haven't eaten Whataburger in a couple of weeks, so I decided to treat myself to my usual #7 Whataburger, Jr., fries and Dr. Pepper. I'm so addicted to Dr. Pepper! I sketched this quickly because I wanted to eat my lunch...it's a little wonky.

Pen and Chartpak markers in 6X9 aquabee

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Just a Line Sketch

Yesterday, I went to the library and checked out a book about cartoon characters...I've decided that I want to learn how to draw cartoons...add a little funny to my drawing! This is just a line drawing in pencil...I will probably add some markers to it later. I can see this being DH when he was younger, as a cartoon character of course. lol I plan on sketching more of these...it was fun! I was looking at the latest TV GUIDE while watching Hell's Kitchen last night and saw a picture of chef Ramsey...I can definitely see him as a cartoon!

pencil in aquabee

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Everyday Matters

This is the book that inspired me to start drawing the EDM's list. I just received it yesterday...it took 12 days for it to arrive by US Mail. Makes you think we live back in the pony express days!

EDM#39 - Draw Your Toothbrush

Aquabee sketchbook, Pitt pen and Chartpak markers.

Friday, July 20, 2007

EDM#116-Draw Something Green

I'm finally able to use my laptop and scanner! I drew this Wednesday in my moleskine and used pen and watercolors.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Internet Problems

Even tho I'm not posting any pictures today, I thought I would vent a little. I haven't posted since Monday because of COMCAST!!! I hate their Internet and digital phone service! Every time we have problems with the Internet (which has been at least once a week, since they took over Time Warner) it affects our wireless router. I tried for HOURS Tuesday to get the Internet to work...even called those A-holes from Comcast and they were useless! I have to remember to call them on my cell phone and not their digital service because if I call them on the land line and they tell me to disconnect the power to their modem the phone gets disconnected and I have to call them back on my cell phone and talk to someone else and go through the whole process again!!! Grrrr! Luckily, on Tuesday I was able to connect their piece of @#%$ modem to one of the desktops and get service, so at least we have one computer with Internet service...we just have to take turns, which is not fun with 2 teenage girls! DH returns from Canada tonight, so hopefully he can figure out the problem with the modem and router! Ok, I'll stop venting now!

Monday, July 16, 2007


This is my watch that I hardly wear anymore...when my finger was broke I couldn't get in on and off by myself, so I just stopped wearing it.

moleskine, pen and brush pens

Sunday, July 15, 2007

New sketchbooks

I bought 2 new sketchbooks while in College Station this past week. The one on the right is a moleskine...I bought it at the Memorial Student Center's store on A&M's campus. The red one is leather...I bought it at Barnes and Noble...I love the smell of leather...I'm hoping the paper likes watercolors.

Saturday, July 14, 2007


I sketched this palm tree before therapy yesterday...first time to sketch a palm tree. I used pen instead of pencil...like I normally do. I read on the Everyday Matters blog that you should always use pen and not worry about mistakes...no erasing! I must say it went much faster than using pencil and then adding the pen later. I added the wc's at home. Oh, the green spots you see in the middle of the page are from another sketch that seeped thru.

moleskine, pen and wc's.

Friday, July 13, 2007


Another Everyday Matters...I sketched this before therapy yesterday and added color at home. I included the street sign because I like the design...they are not your plain green street signs you see everywhere.

moleskine, pen, brush pen and wc's

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Sketch...Window Display

I sketched this from a window display before therapy on Monday. It's a resale shop on Upper Bay Rd. I was with *K Tuesday and Wednesday for her new student conference. Glad to be home!

Monday, July 9, 2007

EDM #13...Phone

I sketched this everyday matters challenge in my moleskine that I bought at a Borders in San Francisco last summer. Sketched this last night while watching Big Brother.

Sunday, July 8, 2007


Pastels organized by values.

Today I organized my soft pastels in my Julian french easel drawer...I received this french easel for Mother's Day. It works great with pastels...you can adjust it so the dust falls off the paper. This is the first pastel study I have done since I broke my finger...I just started it today...I have a lot left to do. If it turns out the way I want it to...it will be called Road to Froberg. I have a very busy week ahead of me, so I don't know if I will work on it much this week. K and I have to go to her new student conference two days this week...hopefully I will have time for some sketches in my moleskine. I have therapy the other 3 days...I will be sooooo glad when I don't have to go anymore!!!!

Saturday, July 7, 2007

EDM #2...Lamp

I've started a new sketching project called Everyday Matters...there is a list of 121 challenges on their blog. I'm not going to go in order...I'm just going to sketch whatever grabs my attention. This lamp is #2 on the list. Every week a new challenge is added to the list. I sketched this last night while watching DIY on TV with DH. I decided to sketch using 3 values and no color.

We are planning on doing some remodeling in our kitchen and master bathroom...we probably won't start until next month when both the girls leave for college, so there will be less traffic and we can use one of their bathrooms while ours is under construction. We are going to replace all the flooring and counter tops and remove all wallpaper and texture and paint the walls...this will be a very BIG project, but I'm ready!

Tuesday, July 3, 2007


I couldn't decide what to sketch yesterday, so I sketched my hand holding my moleskine sketchbook. It's not easy sketching body parts. I just used a 3B pencil.

We have gotten so much rain in the past few days...I wanted to go outside and sketch, but with all the rain and mosquito's, I decided not too. I have therapy for my finger in a few hours, so I will find something to sketch in that area. It has been a month since I started therapy and I still have to go 3 times a week for at least another month! ugh!!!

Monday, July 2, 2007

Sketch...Green Onion

I sketched this green onion yesterday in my small moleskine sketchbook...I wanted to try a technique with watercolors that I read about on another blog. The paper in the moleskine doesn't take watercolors very well, so I added a small squirt of dish soap to the water...it worked! I'm so glad it works because I really like moleskine books!