Friday, October 26, 2012

more pumpkins

I love pumpkins!  I went shopping at Trader Joe's yesterday and just had to sketch these pumpkins by the door.  TJ's is in the old Alabama movie theatre at the corner of South Shepherd and Alabama.

Friday, October 12, 2012

pumpkin patch

I did this quick sketch at the pumpkin patch at St. Andrew's Church this morning...added watercolor when I got home.

Thursday, October 11, 2012


 This past weekend DH and I traveled to Charleston, South Carolina.  There are lots of churches there...
 Cobblestone streets...
 food...we were not impressed with any of the food that we ate there...this crab cake looks better than it tasted.
 This is a view from Battery Park...we walked down to the water everyday.
 The Entrance to their city market.

 We had a nice much history and's a great place to visit.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

5 minute sketches...

 I've started keeping 3x5 pieces of paper by my favorite chair in the living room and on my table by my bed, so I can sketch at anytime without needing my sketchbook( I read this tip on someones blog, but can't remember who's).  Friday night DH was watching "Sons of Anarchy", so I decided to do a quick sketch of one of the actors.  Last night I asked Kris if she recognized who it was and she said Ron Perlman...I didn't even know his name at the time...I do not watch this show...the rest of my family does.
The moon has been so bright the past few days, so this morning after I took the dogs out, I took my sketchbook and watercolors outside and did a quick sketch with only a waterbrush and paints.  Not the best picture, but you get the idea.  3x5