Monday, July 26, 2010

i want that box!

This morning I was standing in front of the kitchen window when all of a sudden I hear loud noises from the hen and chick house, so I go out to the hen house first and what do I find 2 reds screaming at each other because they both want the same box! There are 10 boxes in that house...there is no excuse for all the "bitching" that was going on! I dragged the first red out of the box and told her to pick another one! We moved Penelope and the 8 fertile eggs (that have survived living with the reds) to the chick house...along with Mildred, who still has Bumblefoot, but if Mildred can't behave herself, she is going back in the crate on the patio! What a morning!


lisa said...

Deb, just like with my boys;we have lots of cat trees with plenty of spaces for lounging, and they think that they all have to have the same one!

Debbie said... must be an animal thing!

Rita said...

lol........who would have thought that chickens would be so entertaining!!