Wednesday, May 5, 2010

three reasons to eat eggs

1) Better blood pressure: Your stomach converts some of the proteins in eggs into peptides that act like the active ingredient in blood-pressure-controlling drugs called ACE inhibitors.
2) Easier weight loss: People on a low-calorie eating plan who had two scrambled eggs and toast with jelly for breakfast lost 65 percent more weight than those who had a bagel with cream cheese in the morning. Why? Eggs are uniquely satisfying, so you don't feel the urge to overeat at lunch or snack time.
3) Sharper thinking: Eggs are a great source of vitamin B-12, nutrient that seems to protect the brain from age-related shrinkage. In one study, people age 60 and up who were even a little low on B-12 were three to six times more likely to have signs of brain atrophy compared to those who got plenty. This information was written in The Houston Chronicles "Heath and Fitness" this past Monday.

The picture is of my breakfast this morning. Two eggs from my hens, homemade bread toasted and strawberry jam that we canned about a month ago.

Egg your eggs!

1 comment:

kristie said...

yummm looks delicious!!