Thursday, January 21, 2010

first doggie sweater

I started this sweater last Friday night...I plan on finishing it tonight. Buckles is getting tired of me trying it on him! lol

Needles: size 6 circular
Yarn: Andean Silk from here. It's a alpaca, silk and merino wool blend and is very soft.
Pattern: mine...I've been keeping notes for the next one I make...I didn't want any seams and wanted to knit it in the round.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

rib-eye steak with whiskey cream sauce

Another PW recipe from her cookbook. I could eat this sauce on just about everything!

Monday, January 18, 2010

pw's chicken pot pie

This was yummy! This recipe can be found in here. I also used PW's pie crust turned out extra flaky.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

warm and toasty

I finished these socks Friday...they are the warmest and thickest socks I have ever knitted.

Yarn: Lorna's Laces Shepherd Worsted
Color: brick
Needles: size 2 circular
Started: January 3, 2010
Finished: January 15, 2010

Friday, January 15, 2010

meet parker...

Parker was born Wednesday, January 13th at 12:15am. Proud parents are Garry and Jenna...Garry is my nephew. Also, meet Kimba, their dog...she is four months old and such a cutie!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

weekend beanie

Cascade Magnum ball of yarn...this is the biggest yarn I have ever knitted with...I used size 15 needles.
Riley was here this weekend...he decided he needed to lay in my lap while I knitted...Buckles is on the other side. Kris took this picture with her Iphone.
I started this hat Saturday night and finished it Sunday night...a quick knit. It took me about 3 hours from start to finish.

Monday, January 11, 2010

compost helpers

The girls love to help with the composting...we have two compost piles in their yard area. Mildred thinks she owns this one. She only let one of the reds stay up there long enough for me to snap a picture and then she shooed her away.

Friday, January 8, 2010


We are definitely having a Winter this year! It's 29 degrees and very windy, but that's ok...I love it! I'm knitting these fingerless's my first time to knit cables. I usually knit a few rows at lunch time...and work on my other two pair of socks at night. I plan on knitting a lot this weekend!
Yum...HOT bread right out of the oven...all it needs is some butter!

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

off the needles

I started this pair of socks last January and finally finished them New Year's about procrastinating. We had such a HOT summer, that I rarely touch any of my knitting projects. I have 2 pairs of socks on the needles right now and a pair of fingerless mittens.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

magic carpet

Chance thinks this quilt "magic carpet" is his...I made it in 1995. I haven't quilted for awhile...knitting is more portable.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

thorpe hat

I finished this hat last week. Kris modeled it for me yesterday before she headed back to CS.

Monday, January 4, 2010

easy hot fudge pudding cake

I was blog surfing yesterday and stumbled onto this delicious recipe...and now I can't remember which blog I read it on...good thing I copied the recipe. It's best to eat it warm...I prefer it without the whipped cream.

Hot Fudge Pudding Cake:

1 1/4 sugar, divided
1 C. flour
1/2 C. cocoa
2 tsp. baking powder
1/4 tsp. salt
1/2 C. milk
1/3 C. butter
1 1/2 tsp.vanilla
1/2 C. brown sugar
1 1/4 C. hot tap water

Heat oven to 350.
Combine 3/4 C. sugar, flour, 1/4 cocoa, baking powder and salt.
Melt butter.
Add milk, butter and vanilla, beat until smooth. Pour into 9" square pan.
Combine 1/2 C. sugar, brown sugar, 1/4 C. cocoa. Sprinkle evenly over top of batter. Pour hot water over top.
Bake 35-40 minutes.
Spoon into dishes with whipped cream.
Makes 8 servings.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

a little late

Yes, I know I'm a little late with these santa hat pictures, but at least I'm posting them. Chance refused to wear the santa hat and scarf this year. Buckles and Abby tolerated it for a few minutes.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

boogie shoes....

I love to wear these shoes around our yard area. They were suppose to be a Christmas gift, but the day it snowed, I pulled them out of the box and the rest is history. I ordered them from Cabella's.

Friday, January 1, 2010


Happy New Year 2010!