Sunday, April 12, 2009

coop and chick update

We finished the baby chicks coop last night...I never want to build something that fast again!  We worked everyday (after DH got home from work) this past week on it and all day Friday and Saturday.  
The chicks spent their first night in their new home last night...I was out there around 2am checking on them.  

One of the leghorn roosters...all the leghorns will go in the freezer as soon as they are big enough...DH and I both don't like them.
Inside their new home...the Dominique's are so friendly...they will come up to you and let you pet them like a dog.  One was sitting in Britt's hand earlier today.  


Rita said...

That is a very nice coop!! Don't you just love chicks?? The only thing cuter is baby ducks, but those are very MESSY!! Hope ya'll had a Happy Easter

Debbie said...

Thanks Rita!