Saturday, February 28, 2009

charcoal sketch

I did this sketch using a 4B, 6B and white charcoal pencils with a touch of a soft white pastel.  My reference photo was taken by Britt at my parents lake house in 2007 of Kris and her friend Casey.  This is the first time I have worked with charcoals...I used a gray 14x20 piece of Canson Mi-Teintes paper to help with the mid took me about 50 minutes.  They were looking into the sun, so there's not a lot of light.  I see some things I would change, but since it's just a sketch, I'll leave it alone.  I plan on doing another charcoal sketch from a photo I took of Britt...she has on one of her long ball dresses, so it has a lot of fabric folds.   

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

inside my sketchbooks...

I sketched this while looking out the window in my laundry room...Juanita's house across the street.  Large wc moleskine.
I sketched this from a photo I took at Discovery Green Park last summer.  Large wc moleskine.
Last week, I decided I needed a sausage biscuit from McDonald's after I finished shopping at Wal-Mart.  After I finished eating it, I remembered why I hadn't eaten one in a long time...I reached for an acid reflux pill.  Large wc moleskine.
I know some people don't like to have to wait, but I don't mind, it gives me a chance to sketch.  This man needed to be in Angleton at the courthouse instead of causing such a scene at the tax office.  Sketched in my red sketchbook.  


Monday, February 23, 2009

random monday...

Riley is a 9 week old westie...he belongs to K's boyfriend, but she thinks Riley's hers.  
Update on our far, we have planted peas, beans, strawberries, onion, potatoes, tomatoes, spinach, lettuce, cucumber and broccoli. 
My Dad holding Carson (my great nephew)...he was baptized Saturday.
This house is by the Alvin Library...I just love the porch and white picket fence...if you click on the picture, you can see a little Scottie on the front porch.  I rolled down my window and called to him...he didn't like it and started barking at me, but that's okay, he was just doing his job.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

on my needles

Last night, I finished the back of my sweater and started the right front.  So far, this has been easy to knit while watching TV at night.

Yarn: Classic Silk by Classic Elite Yarns
Needles: size 8 
Pattern: Slouchy Cardigan in the book Greetings from Knit Cafe
I started this simple 2x2 rib pair of socks about a month ago...I decided that any socks that I knit this year have to be a pattern that I can memorize or I'm not knitting it!  I knitted a few rows this morning, while talking to Kris on Skype.  I try to knit a few rows a day.  I'm in no hurry to finish these, so I knit when I can.

Yarn: Lornas Laces sports weight
Needles: size 2.75 mm
Pattern: mine

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


DH has been welding together a rig to drill a water well for the garden and the yard.  We had very little rain this past year and not much this year either.  Our city water bill this past year was outrageous and we didn't even have a garden!  DH has been working on this rig off and on for about 6 months.  He probably won't get much time this weekend to work on it...I want to add more yard area for the chickens...he'll be digging and setting post.   

Saturday, February 7, 2009

down to 25

As I post today, DH is processing the last 4 cornish rock hens.  As I take them out of the coop, I tell them I'm sorry, but it's their turn.  Yes, I'm a wuss when it comes to animals.  We started out with 25 cornish rock, 6 died.  We still have all 25 reds, but in about 6 weeks, we will process all the roosters, except Lefty.  Oh, before I forget, Lefty CROWED this morning for the first time!!!!!

Friday, February 6, 2009

line drawing...

of Kris.  It still needs some tweaking, but once I'm happy with the drawing, I plan on adding some loose watercolors.  I drew this from a photo I took of her a few months ago.  She's coming home this weekend and has agreed to sit for me, so I can do some quick sketches of her in hopes of getting a more accurate likeness.  9x12 on Fabriano cold pressed watercolor paper.  

Thursday, February 5, 2009

where's the oatmeal?!

Lefty has gotten so big! He always cocks his head when I talk to if he understands.  

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

healthy cookies...

well, except for the 2 sticks of butter!  These yummy cookies are called Vanishing Oatmeal Raisin Cookies...the recipe can be found on the lid of Quaker Oatmeal.    

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

watercolor exercise

I finally found some time to spend in my art room yesterday.  I followed a snow scene demonstration in one of Charles Reid's books.  I love his loose style of watercolor painting.  This looks nothing like his, but it was good practice.  8x10 on Fabriano cold pressed watercolor paper.  

One of the things I love about my MacBook is iPhoto...I no longer need photoshop.    

Monday, February 2, 2009

what a burger...

I baked kaiser rolls yesterday and we grilled burgers.  I did a test batch Thursday, but wasn't happy with them, so I made a few adjustments and was more than pleased with the results yesterday.  

DH and I went to the movies Sunday morning to see TAKEN...great movie!  

We processed 5 more white chickens Saturday, so there are only 4 whites left...we will process them this weekend.  I can't wait for the red hens to start laying eggs and the roosters to start crowing...I may regret that comment.  We have 9 red roosters, but will only keep Lefty.