Saturday, June 28, 2008

6th pair of socks

I thought I would never finish this pair! They became extremely boring after the first sock...they are just a plain pair with zero pattern.

Thursday, June 26, 2008


I've started a new will be different from anything you've seen me paint's going to take days...maybe longer. It's mixed will be in a collage. Yesterday, I put down 3 layers of acrylic paint and last night I sketched her face. This is the first time to use acrylics...they dry fast.
I've been in picture taking mode the past couple of days...I took this picture around 7 this morning...I love all the trees!
I have no idea what this's hanging in one of our trees...I thought it was interesting.
After the rain today...I love rain!
This little guy likes to hang around the plants by our front door...

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

just a few

Buckles and K bonding.
It's hard to catch Chance sitting still to take a picture...he usually turns away when he sees I have the camera.

These vines of grapes have been growing in some of our trees for years and we've never tried to eat them. The only thing they are good for is staining the driveway...DH gets out the power washer once they have stopped producing and cleans up their mess!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008


I'm trying to grow 3 different types of tomatoes...cherry ( 3 have ripened) patio and roma. The top picture is a patio tomato and I'll probably pick it today and let it finish ripening in my kitchen window. The birds love tomatoes, so if I don't pick it early it will be gone.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

after the storm

I took this picture around 7:30 last night at the end of our was right after we had our 3rd storm this week. I love when it rains, so no complaining here!

Saturday, June 21, 2008

guess what today is?

It's DH's 50th Birthday!!!!!! Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, June 20, 2008


Buckles always has to be there when I take a bath...I have ZERO privacy! He's such a sweetie!


No, this isn't me in 1967...I'm getting older, but I'm not that old!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Wednesday, June 18, 2008


Yesterday, I decided to sketch everything I ate during the day. I thought it might make me eat better, but as you can see by 8:30am that idea went down the crapper when I decided I needed bacon and Whataburger for lunch! The good thing is I ate all the bad stuff before noon.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

doodle from memory

I sketched this from memory...I forgot to put a sketchbook back in my purse. I sat there and memorized what the back of this man looked like as I listened to how unprepared he was. First he couldn't see the number machine (which was right there when you walked in the door) would have to be blind not to see it! Then, he couldn't figure out how to fill out the forms to transfer a automobile title...geesh! One of my pet peeves is unprepared people! I quickly sketched this when I got home...while it was still fresh in my brain. I used pen and chartpak markers.

perspective sketch

I quickly sketched this from a picture DH had sent me using his cell phone while in New Orleans. I think their architecture is unique...I've never seen a Walgreens in a building like this one. Everything is so modern here. My goal for this sketch was to work on perspective...I wish I had been there to sketch this in miss so much from a photograph.

Monday, June 16, 2008

green beans

These were delicious roasted in the oven...everyone liked them. K loved them...she usually won't eat green beans, so I'll definitely cooked these again!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

happy father's day!

I need to get DH to eat more blueberries! I only used ink and water for this sketch.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

h2o car

This car will run on any kind of water...even salt water! What will happen to the oil industry if all vehicles eventually run on water?!

Friday, June 13, 2008

friday the 13th

DH brought me these freebie's back from his trip to New Orleans this week. He always takes pictures with his cell phone and sends them to me in an email, so I might try and sketch from some of those pictures.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

figure study in wc

I plan on painting a study of this figure in oils, so I did a quick watercolor sketch. The only thing about wc's is once you lay the color down...your stuck with it. That's why I like oils...they are more forgiving and it's easy to scrape color off. The skin tone is too dark in this will be easy to adjust in oils. The reference photo is of B working on Easter Sunday. I took several pictures while we ate lunch.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

watercolor sketches

I'm trying to get back into doing watercolor sketches on a daily basis.
Nuts and Seeds Keep You Young.

Healthy and appetizing, nuts and seeds are absolutely the best snack of the bunch. Helping yourself to a handful of nuts and seeds every day can improve circulation and muscle tone.
And nuts and seeds are especially full of arginine, an amino acid that helps to combat heart disease, impotence, infertility, and high blood pressure, and it also facilitates the healing process. Additionally, arginine can stimulate the pituitary gland at the base of the brain.
The pituitary releases growth hormones, which begin to decline quickly in humans after age 35. This means that after 35, your hormones start to plunge and you experience some aging symptoms. The skin loses elasticity, the muscle loses mass and strength, the lean body tissue decreases, fertility and virility decrease, and other signs of aging start to set in.
Many nuts and seeds are rich sources of vitamin E, lignants and omega-3 fatty acids, which protect you from heart disease and also from the ravages of aging.Almonds, pine nuts, sesame seeds, Brazil nuts, walnuts, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, flax seeds, peanuts, and pistachios: mix them in any combination and enjoy! Keep in mind that there are more nutrients in the raw form than roasted. Make sure that the nuts and seeds are fresh and not old and rancid. I read this online this morning.

Monday night I ripped open my heal on some boards in the garage, so I won't be painting in oils this week...I need to stay off my foot as much as possible. It's so weird that it looks just like K's heal when she ripped hers open a few years ago. DH thinks I need stitches, but I refused because K did and the day they were removed she ripped it back open that night. All I did to her after that was put steri-tape on it to hold it closed, so that's what I'm doing for mine.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

baby sketch

First time to sketch a babies face...the proportions are different from an adults. My sister sent me pictures of Carson (my grand-nephew), so I used him as a reference. He has the cutest little nose and mouth.

Monday, June 9, 2008

discovery green park

My wonky sketch.

Yesterday, DH, K and I went to the new park that opened in April called Discovery's across the street from the George R. Brown. While everyone was watching the miniature sailboats, I did a quick sketch of some of the buildings that are in downtown Houston. K loved this park...her major is landscape architecture.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

saturday socks

I'm knitting this pair of socks for K...the pattern is called Saturday socks...yarn color is lipstick lava. I figured I'd work on these socks this summer while she's home, so I can fit them to her feet.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Thursday, June 5, 2008

peaches study

6x6 oil on panel

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

lime study

6x6 oil on gessobord

another face sketch

I sketched this from a photo on the internet...I liked her sleek hair. My goal is to sketch 100 faces...this is number's all about proportions. I'm probably not going to post all of them...I don't want to bore you.

Monday, June 2, 2008

lemon study #2

6x6 oil on gessobord

I'm trying to work looser and not blend so much.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

lemon study

6x6 oil on gessobord