Sunday, June 28, 2009

morning visitor...

Chance and I saw this little armadillo foraging in some leaves...he can hang around as long as he doesn't get in the garden.

Friday, June 26, 2009

i can't believe he's gone!

If you don't already know, Michael Jackson died yesterday at the age of 50. Yes, he was strange, but boy did he have talent!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Sunday, June 21, 2009

happy birthday/fathers day...

Today is DH's 51st birthday! We just lucked out that it's Father's Day too! He thinks he gets ripped off when Father's Day falls on his just makes my life easier!

Friday, June 19, 2009


I'm not suppose to name the chickens, but I couldn't help myself. Meet Mildred...she is the only dominique hen we have. She always greets me just a clucking...wanting to know if I have anything "special" for them.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

celebrate, celebrate...

The girls are celebrating today...big, bad lefty is gone! It was so nice to go into the hen house this morning and not have to watch my back! Lefty and the 3 leghorn roosters are in a cooler taking an ice bath. Two weeks from today, we will process the 6 dominique roosters. I've pretty much decided NO roosters around here.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

meet big mouth...

aka head bitch or so she thinks she is.  This hen is so loud!  She doesn't like any eggs in the box she lays in, so if there are any in "her box" when she's ready to lay, she starts screaming BOC BOC BOC BOC until I come outside and remove the eggs.  If another hen is in the box and she wants in it she stands there and screams.  If DH is home, he goes out there and tells her to SHUT UP and get in another box.  Chickens can be very entertaining! 

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

egg laying...

This is the first turtle I have seen this year...she didn't seem to happy that I was watching her lay her eggs.  After she was finished, she pranced in front of the chicken yard, which ruffled up a few feathers.    

Wednesday, June 3, 2009


I finally found sometime today to go in my art room.  Luckily it rained this afternoon, so I didn't have to water the garden or the newly seeded pasture grass.  I'm trying a new technique with acrylics...this is only the underpainting.  I thought about using oils, (so I wouldn't have to worry about the paint drying so fast) but as soon as I opened the Gamblin odorless mineral spirits, I knew that wasn't going to happen.  If it was Winter, I could just open the window and the smell wouldn't bother me, but here in Texas, you don't dare open a window in the summer unless you want to die from the heat and humidity!  I'm hoping to find sometime tomorrow to start adding colors.

Update: this just landed in the trash...

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

got yogurt...

This is one of my favorite hens...she lays around 11 a.m., in the top right hand box...she is so sweet!

The reds love their yogurt!  They make the biggest mess and even get it on me's just one of the treats they eat several times a week.

Monday, June 1, 2009

our exciting weekend...

We finally painted the hen house this past more white primer!  DH is threatening to spray the entire house red next time it needs painting...I don't think so!