Saturday, June 30, 2007

DH and The Simpsons

We went to the movies today to see Live Free or Diehard...just as good as the other Diehard movies...Bruce Willis was awesome! AMC has this Simpson display in their lobby...can you tell which one is DH? lol

Thursday, June 28, 2007


Sketched this before therapy...added wc's at home. This bookstore is in the shopping center on Upper Bay Rd. I need to find something else to sketch that's close to the therapy building. Maybe NASA.

Handbook, pencil, pen and watercolors

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

A Couple of Sketches

I stopped at Starbucks today for my weekly latte and I decided to try their Raspberry Swirl Loaf Cake. It was ok...I like the blueberry coffee cake the best! I used gouache to try and get the icing to standout...I think I might paint this in oils, so I can use thick paint for the icing. Not a good scan.

Raffine 6x6 sketchbook, pencil, wc's, ink, gouache
This is where I have my hair done. I drove by Monday and did a quick pencil sketch and added watercolors and ink today. Lisa is one of the sweetest people I know! The perspective is off, but it's just a sketch.

Handbook, watercolors, pencil, ink and brush pens

Tuesday, June 26, 2007


Here is my doodling at Cracker Barrel on Sunday morning...DH, Chance and I walked first and then we went to Cracker Barrel. They are a little wonky...I hold the sketchbook on my lap under the table, so no one can see what I'm doing.

Sunday, June 24, 2007


DH and I ate at this restaurant yesterday on Nasa Rd. 1. They have a great buffet and the food is cooked Brazilian style. I didn't sketch while there...I was to busy feeding my face! lol I did some doodling at Cracker Barrel this morning...I need to add wc's, so I'll post those tomorrow.


Saturday, June 23, 2007

Daily Sketch...Umbrella Table

I sketched this yesterday before therapy at the same shopping center I have been sketching at. Looks like next week is not my last week, since my finger still refuses to bend! There are several tables outside a place called Meriterraneo Market & Cafe, so I sketched one and a chair...that's all I had time for. I like this "strip center"'s not the same old boring modern center I see everyday where I has character.

handbook,pencil,watercolor and ink added at home.

Friday, June 22, 2007

Sketch...Antique Classic

This store is in the same shopping center that I sketched the clock tower's a rug store. I liked the old look of the building. I sketched this before therapy yesterday and added watercolors and pen at home. I'm trying to sketch everyday, since I don't have time for oils right now. I feel like I spend most of my day exercising and stretching my finger! I only spend about 5 minutes on these sketches and then add color at home.

Handbook, pencil,watercolors and ink

Thursday, June 21, 2007


Today is DH's 49th birthday. I found this school picture of him when he was 6 or 7 years-old. Boy has he changed! lol

Wednesday, June 20, 2007


6X4 Aquabee sketchbook

I haven't had time all week to paint with oils (as I had planned), so I'm trying to at least do a quick sketch. I've never drank a frappuccino, so I drove thru Starbucks this afternoon and bought this strawberries N was delicious, but full of calories! I've started scanning my sketches...I think it works better than trying to take a photo of them in a sketchbook.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Statue and Sketch of a Clock Tower

I took this picture of this statue that is located right outside the doors to the ICU ward at St. John's Hospital. My Mom had her surgery yesterday and had to spend the night in ICU...all artery blockage patients have to stay there over night. She is resting at home.

I quickly sketched this clock tower before I went to therapy this morning...this clock is on Upper Bay Road in a shopping center...a block away from St. John's Hospital. I did a quick 3 minute sketch with pencil and then added watercolors and pen when I got home. I did this in a new sketchbook I bought a few weeks ago...the paper takes watercolor better than the moleskine paper does, so I plan on using this sketchbook for all my location sketches.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Father's Day

We ate at Pappasitos today for Father's Day. I sketched my ice tea in my moleskine with a 6B pencil and added wc's when I got home...the paper in this sketchbook doesn't take wc's very well. DH and I split the Mahi fish was yummy!

My Mom is having surgery in the morning around 10 a.m., so I plan on taking a sketchbook and sketching while I wait with my Dad.

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Just A Sketch

6x4 Aquabee Sketchbook

DH was working on the fence, so I decided to sketch "Over the Fence". I haven't had time to paint the past couple of days, so I decided to at least sketch something today. I sat under the patio on the concrete and this is what I could see of their house.

A sad grandmother passed away yesterday...she was 89 years-old. Rest in peace Grannie.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Daily Study...Hippo

6x6 oil on canvas board

This is one of Chance's toys. It didn't turn out quite the way I wanted it to, but then it's nothing but a study. I love the thick oil paint!

Monday, June 11, 2007

Daily Study...Peeps

5x7 oil on canvas board

Woo-Hoo! I finally started painting in oils again! I had planned on painting these Peeps chicks the day I broke my finger. I have had them hid in the pantry since Easter, so *B couldn't eat them...she loves PEEPS! I struggled to get a good shot of this because the paint is so wet, but I wanted to post this study today.

Friday, June 8, 2007


I sketched this from a photo from Wet Canvas's WDE...the person who provided the photos this week is from Alberta. This photo was taken in Mexico. I liked the bell, so I decided to sketch it.
I've started sketching with my right's a picture of how I have to hold my pencil. The black strap you see is called a "buddy strap". I'm wearing it because my finger doesn't want to has to move some when my ring finger moves. I got rid of that huge splint, but now I have to wear a glove (that cuts off my circulation!) at night and a small splint on my pinkie. I'm just glad to be able to use this hand some!!!

Wednesday, June 6, 2007


6x4 Aquabee sketchbook, graphite and watercolors

Today was my second day of therapy...I sketched this tree in the parking lot at the therapy center with graphite before I went in for my appointment and added wc's when I got home.

I was able to tie my shoes today with my right hand even tho the left still did most of the work and I used a watercolor brush with 3 of my fingers...still can't write or sketch with it, but at least I can use it a little!

Today is my mom's 70th birthday! HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM!!!!!

Tuesday, June 5, 2007


I didn't do any art today...I had my first therapy session, so now I have to heat up my hand six times a day and do all these different exercises. Fun! Fun! Here's a picture of one of the turtles that laid eggs in our yard. It takes 85 days for them to hatch. My nephew thinks he's going to sell them...

Monday, June 4, 2007


4x6 Aquabee

I stopped at Starbucks today so I could try their Orange Passion Tea that my oldest sister loves! Yuk!! I think they must crush orange baby aspirin and put in this drink!! Sorry sis...I'll stick with my Vanilla lattes. Tomorrow is my first therapy session...I'm soooo ready to start using my hand!!!

Sunday, June 3, 2007

Two Sketches...

Another flower from my garden...white flowers are hard to paint with watercolors. I used some white gouache.

An orange life saver individually wrapped. I don't like any candy that is orange flavor...they remind me of baby aspirin! I used mostly gouache in this can see the thicker white paint.

both 4x6 Aquabee sketchbook

Saturday, June 2, 2007

Sketch...Wild Flower

4x6 Aquabee sketchbook

I sketched this flower from my flower bed of wild flowers...I'm not sure what it's called.

I start therapy for my hand Tuesday...not looking forward to the pain, but I can't wait for it to get back to normal!

Friday, June 1, 2007

Sketch...Office Building

YaY!!!! My pins were removed this morning!!!! I still can't use my hand, but at least no more pins and I can start getting it wet! I still have to wear the splint at night. I had a few minutes before my appointment, so I did a quick pencil sketch of the front entrance to the building that my doctor's office is in...I added watercolors when I got home.

4x6 Aquabee sketchbook