Thursday, December 16, 2010

bicycle accident...

I haven't posted in two weeks...which isn't normal for me. Britt flew over the front of her bicycle this past weekend and broke her collar bone, so she is home. She has a staple in her head and a lot of bruises on her face and body...she wasn't wearing her helmet. She is so lucky that she's not in worse shape. Please wear a helmet if you ride a bike!!!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

happy 21st birthday!!!

I can't believe Kris is 21 years old today! I took this picture this past weekend while we were out shopping...I love to take pictures of the girls with different hats on to paint someday.

leg warmers

I finished these leg warmers for Britt a few weeks ago...I finally took a picture of them while she was home for Thanksgiving. I'm almost finished with a purple pair for Kris. I also finished a gray cowl for Britt, but I forgot to take a picture of it before she left. I'm starting a cream colored one for Kris. They are constantly wanting me to knit them something...I told them "I'm not a knitting machine!"lol