Saturday, May 31, 2008

watercolor figure sketches

Here's a couple of quick watercolor figurative studies.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

crenshaw park

Three different size turtles.

K and I took the boys to this park yesterday...K and Buckles had never been. There were so many Mother ducks with her babies.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

face #5

I sketched this face from a picture on the internet. Faces are fun to sketch...especially when I only have a few minutes to work on them.

face #4

I've decided to keep track of my face sketches by numbering them, so this is face #4. The angel was hard for's not really 3/4 of the face, nor is it a true profile. I sketched this from a picture in the newspaper.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

mushrooms and peppers

Yesterday, I sketched these two watercolors in my 6x6 raffine sketchbook.

Monday, May 26, 2008

quick 5 minute people sketches

These are quick sketches I have done in the past couple of days from the newspaper and magazines. I'm trying to get back into sketching daily. All sketched with a 6B pencil.

I've decided to stop posting to my other blog and just post to this's too much trouble keeping up with 2 blogs.

Sunday, May 25, 2008


Chance and I found this turtle in our yard this morning laying eggs...she was at it for awhile! I hope these hatch this year. Click on the picture...she looks like she's in pain!

Saturday, May 24, 2008


Meet B's new baby...she's a shih tzu.

Friday, May 23, 2008


No, this isn't corn...I'm not sure what it is. It's in the center of one of our palm trees...I'm curious to see what it does.

Thursday, May 22, 2008


The color of this yarn is called September...this is my 6th pair of socks to knit this year...I'm binding off the first sock and will cast on the mate tonight. This is the first pair of socks I have knitted that doesn't have a pattern...I am just knitting them round and round.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

5 minute sketches

I set a timer for 5 minutes and quickly sketched from a picture I took yesterday at Herman Park...K was buying a bottle of was so HOT!

This is one of many bust that are in the Garden Center...I hope to go back and sketch from life another day. It has been awhile since I sketched...not a good thing to get out of the habit of sketching daily.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

herman park

K and I went to Herman Park today...this is K using my good camera. Below are just a few pictures from our outing today. We took over 200 pictures between the 2 of us.
Monument looking thru the key hole of a Sam Houston statue.

A man napping in the gardens.

A statue in Houston Garden Center.

Bridge in the Japanese Gardens.

Ducks in the Monument pond.

Thursday, May 15, 2008


This is my great nephew...his name is Carson...he was born May 6th. I took this picture Mother's Mom was holding him. He's such a sweet baby!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

furry friend

I decided to post a picture of one of our furry friends that live in our trees...after that ugly picture of the snake yesterday.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

look what crossed my path this morning!

I was watering plants this morning and came across this ugly thing! I HATE snakes!!!! Luckily, it's dead...something ate it's head off. I have no idea what kind of snake it is, but I'm hoping something else eats it because I'm not going anywhere near it!!!!

Sunday, May 11, 2008

happy mother's day!

K took this picture of Buckles...he's such a cutie!

Saturday, May 10, 2008

chocolate roses

I finished this pair of socks last night...the color of the yarn is chocolate roses and is a sports weight...the pattern is southwestern and I used size 2 (3mm) needles. These socks will be great for winter with my clogs.