Wednesday, January 30, 2008

couple of sketches

A chocolate chip cookie at eye level...I thought it would be interesting to sketch this cookie from it's side. I baked these cookies this past weekend...K took half of them back to college with her. B told me that K is only allowing one cookie a day...she's rationing! lol

I sketched this ball of yarn from my imagination...just wanted to use these colors. I love the color cobalt teal blue that's in my watercolor palette.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

sticky pecan bundt breakfast cake

I baked this cake's yummy! I'll probably gain 5 pounds this has a whole stick of butter in it...Paula Dean would love it! I found this recipe on this blog

Monday, January 28, 2008

3 new wip's

I decided that knitting one project at a time could become boring, so I decided I would at least always be working on a pair of socks and something else...well, I have 3 projects in the works right now. The sapphire blue is a scarf for K, the cream colored is going to be a shawl... DH brought the pattern and yarn back from Calgary and the multicolored is the start of a pair of socks. Phew...these should keep me busy for awhile! I'm still sketching too!

Friday, January 25, 2008

bite size

I haven't sketched anything since Monday, so I looked around in the kitchen and decided to sketch this 3 Musketeers Mini. It's still raining and cold! I like this kind of weather, but only if I can stay inside and sketch or knit. It's hard for Chance and Buckles to go outside tho.


Thursday, January 24, 2008

another scarf

I finished my second scarf last's made of bamboo yarn and feels so soft! I also did the cast on stitches for the shawl pattern that DH bought me in Calgary and plan on working on that today, since it's perfect weather for knitting...cold and raining!

Buckles is at the groomer getting his first haircut...I bet he's trying to bite the lady!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

snail mail

I love to get snail mail! Here is some yarn I received yesterday...the sapphire blue will be knitted into a scarf for K and the gold hill will be made into socks!

Monday, January 21, 2008

what to sketch...

I couldn't think of anything to sketch today, so I rummaged around in the frig and came up with these two limes.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

all the way from canada

DH stopped at a yarn shop in Calgary this week and brought me back this knitting bag full of alpaca yarn! How cool is that?!

Friday, January 18, 2008

glass mug

Everyone knows that glass is clear, but if you look closely you can see different colors. I decided to sketch my green tea in this clear mug. I used a 6B pencil, wc's and added black ink to the tea bag. This is not a good scan...the colors are lighter than the scan.

Thursday, January 17, 2008


I've been under the weather all week long...I've had a cold/flu bug and haven't felt like doing much. I can't tell you how many tissues I have gone through this week, but they did inspire me to draw something tonight.

Lisa...thank you for calling to check on are so sweet!

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Friday, January 11, 2008

how cute!

I saw this in the newspaper yesterday and just had to scan it and post it... since we have two Yorkies! Chance says that he will be running in the next election! lol

Thursday, January 10, 2008

ta da...finished

I finished my first scarf last night...I never thought I would love to knit!

83 cents

These radishes only cost 83 cents and I thought they would make a great model for me to sketch. I'll probably sketch another version of them...maybe take them out of the bundle and really inspect them. 6b pencil and wc's in my aquabee sketchbook.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

person sketch

I tried to quickly sketch a face in less than 10 minutes in graphite. I saw this lady on the Internet and decided to sketch her...I have no idea who she is.

breakfast doodles

Kris and I went to IHOP this morning and split the international sampler. I ate everything except the eggs...I hate eggs! Kris is not very talkative in the morning , so it was a perfect time for me to sketch. Both our daughters are not morning people...I don't know what they will do when they have to get a real job.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008


I bought this yarn at today. I'm trying not to buy yarn unless I have a project in mine...I plan on making another scarf. QTQ's is mainly a quilt shop, but they have started stocking yarn and knitting supplies.

quakertown sketch

I did this quick sketch in my rebound moleskine sketchbook sitting in the FJ after I bought some yarn.

Monday, January 7, 2008

slice of dr. pepper

Last week I was wandering through the bakery section at WallyWorld and spotted this so called Dr. Pepper cake...I thought there's no way it taste like Dr. Pepper and I was right. It was very moist and did taste good, just not like Dr. Pepper.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

skinny scarf

I bought this yarn and size 17 needles yesterday at Michaels...this is what I accomplished in about an hour last night. I love the feel of this yarn!

Friday, January 4, 2008

third times a charm

One of my goals for the new year was to learn how to is what I have knitted after taking it apart 3 times! I taught myself by watching videos online at I can't imagine life without the Internet!

Tuesday, January 1, 2008


Happy New Year!

I sketched this glass this morning after reading a few chapters of a new book I received in the mail yesterday from an artist in the UK. One of my art goals for the year is to work's easier to work tight! I like the results of this sketch and will continue to practice this technique. Pen and watercolor on 7x5 fabriano hot pressed artistico paper.