Monday, December 31, 2007

empty bottle

Last post of 2007. I found this empty perfume bottle in K's bathroom last night, so I decided to sketch it. Pencil and wc's.

Some of my new years resolutions are:
1) Continue to sketch as much as possible.
2) Start and finish a larger painting or drawing at least once a month.
3) Get out at least once a week and sketch a new place.
4) Bind sketchbooks.
5) Learn how to knit, so I can make at least 3 scarfs by next Christmas.
I think that's plenty to keep me busy!

Sunday, December 30, 2007

one year old

DH and I ate at Pappas Seafood Friday night...we were to stuffed to eat desert there, so we brought it home. I sketched this piece of cheesecake to celebrate the 1 year old birthday of my blog...most bloggers only last about 3 months.


Saturday, December 29, 2007

Happy 20th Birthday!!!

Happy Birthday Britt! She was 3 years old in this picture.

Friday, December 28, 2007


DH bought 8 mini croissants at HEB's bakery...they are light, flaky and buttery. Pen and wc's in my handbook sketchbook. I was rearranging my art room yesterday and found this sketchbook...I had forgotten about it.

Thursday, December 27, 2007

scavenger hunt

I sketched these items from a scavenger hunt on WetCanvas...every 9 days there is a new list of 26 items, so I decided to set up a still life and sketch 5 of these items. Pen and wc's.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007


I wish it would snow! I bought this cup and plate at Starbucks last week...I liked the shape of the plate and the small cup. The plate is wonky and I should have left off some of the ink lines on the plate. Live and learn...that's what sketching is all about. Pen and wc's.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas

I quickly sketched this ornament before church last night. A friend of Britt's made it when they were in elementary school. pencil & wc's.

Monday, December 24, 2007

satsuma peel

Satsumas are so easy to peel. Pen and WC.

Sunday, December 23, 2007


I'm trying to paint's much easier to paint tight. I've ordered a book from an artist in the UK...her watercolor paintings are very colorful and loose...I'm hoping the book is delivered tomorrow. I love to receive snail mail! I sketched this glass of wine last night. Pencil and watercolors.

Saturday, December 22, 2007

downtown shopping

I can always count on "K" to pose for me when we are out shopping! She thought she was a mannequin!
Here she thought she was a cat...prrrrr!

Finally, I persuaded "B" to join in on the modeling! We were at Macy's in downtown Houston.

Friday, December 21, 2007

breakfast cookies

These really are not for breakfast, but I love to dunk them in my coffee! I only see these tins of Danish butter cookies around Christmas time...which is a good thing! I have almost eaten the whole tin! Pen and watercolor in my aquabee sketchbook.

Thursday, December 20, 2007


DH bought me these tulips this past weekend...I sketched them on Monday and just now found time to add some watercolors to them...I had to try and remember what they actually looked like, since now they look like death warmed over. Pencil and watercolors in my aquabee sketchbook.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

angel sketch

I sketched this from a photo I took while I was waiting for the color to process on my hair. Lisa has several angels on a shelf by her station that look as if they are hand carved. This didn't turn out the way I wanted it to, but I am still posting it. Next time I have an appointment I will get my watercolor sketchbook out, so I can sketch them from life. pen and watercolor in my red sketchbook...doesn't take watercolor very well.

Monday, December 17, 2007

santa goes camping

I did this quick sketch this morning, while waiting for our new countertops for our bathroom. We are almost finished...Yay!!! pen and markers.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

red pear

5x7 pen and watercolors on HP fabriano paper.

Watercolors are fun to work with, but can be frustrating at times! This is my second attempt at this pear...the first one was in a sketchbook...the colors became mud, so I took out a piece of watercolor paper and here is the results. I'm not completely happy with it, but it's better than the first.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

delicious satsuma

I love the smell of a peeled satsuma. DH's retired boss gave us two bags of satsumas from his trees. DH was at his house Sunday and held the bags while Jim cut them from the limbs...can't get any fresher than that. Chance stood watching...hoping I would slip him a piece, but he grew tired of waiting and decided to take a nap, so I ate every slice of it...after I added color. pen and watercolors on 5x7 140 lb fabriano artistico block paper.

I can't use my scanner this week, so I'm having to take photos and the colors are not coming out right.

Monday, December 10, 2007

fiestaware mug

I love very durable and comes in all different colors. I sketched my coffee this morning and even used some of it around the mug...I accidentally put my watercolor brush in my coffee and thought what the heck...just add it to the sketch. pen, watercolors and coffee.

Saturday, December 8, 2007


I was rummaging through our ornament box and decided to sketch this ornament. It's made from a tree that had to be removed at Rustic Oak Elementary, which is the school both my daughter's attended. The PTA decorated these ornaments for a fundraiser...they thought it would be nice for the students to always have something to remember their school and to raise money for playground equipment.

pen and prismacolor colored pencils

Friday, December 7, 2007


I did some Christmas shopping at Bass Pro Shop yesterday and decided to eat lunch at the restaurant in their store. I sketched my food before I started eating it...the waitress came by and asked me "Is everything ok?" She had no idea that I was busy sketching my food in my lap!

watercolor and pen in my rebound moleskine.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

first christmas

Yesterday, I pulled out all my Santa's and snowmen that I collect and placed them around the house...I love Santa's...I have all kinds. I also took out my big box of ornaments, but didn't hang them on the tree...Britt wants to do that when she gets home next week. I was looking through them and decided to sketch this's a little wonky...I sketched it last night while watching a Christmas movie.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

over the fence

Here's my first sketch in my rebound sketchbook. I sat outside on top of the picnic table on the patio and sketched this scene looking over our's across the street and to the side of a church. Not a good scan. pen and watercolors.

ta da...

Here's my moleskine planner with watercolor paper! This was a fun project...I plan on rebinding 2 more, so I have them ready when needed. Now, all I need to do is get out and sketch!

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

snowman ornament

I've decided to sketch some of our Christmas ornaments...our tree is never's just a mixture of all sorts. Yesterday, I received a travel set of Schmincke watercolor pans in the mail...I used them on this ornament.

Monday, December 3, 2007


I cut fabriano artistico 90 lb hot pressed watercolor paper today for my sketchbook. I put together all the signatures and punched all the holes...hopefully, tomorrow I will have time to start the stitching.

Sunday, December 2, 2007


This is one of my favorite pictures of Kris when she was a baby...she was such a sweet baby!

Saturday, December 1, 2007

fountain pen

This is a quick sketch of my red fountain has an ink converter, so I fill it with black Noodler's ink that comes in a bottle. watercolor & ink

Update on our bathroom...we are almost finished...last weekend we did the floor tile and yesterday we did the grouting...tomorrow I will seal the grout...I'm so glad we are almost finished. We're waiting for the countertops and shower enclosure to be made and installed.