Friday, November 30, 2007

lunch sketch

Yesterday, I met my oldest sister for lunch in League City at Estebans Mexican Restaurant...before she arrived I stood by Francine and did a quick ink sketch of the building off to the's called Estebans Fiesta Shack. I added watercolors when I got home. I used a fabriano artistico watercolor block of paper...5x7. Before lunch, I stopped at Texas Art Supply and bought 2 large sheets of this watercolor paper and a few book binding materials...I plan on rebinding a moleskine 2007 daily planner with this's great for sketching.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

88 cent kolache

I took Chance to be groomed yesterday and after I dropped him off, I drove across the street to Lynda's Pantry and bought this's hard to find anything for under a buck these days. watercolor and pen in my small red sketchbook...this sketch is after I took the first bite.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

wonky cup

While out running errands on Monday, I drove thru Starbucks and ordered a latte...I knew they had changed their cups to a holiday theme and I wanted to sketch it. I love Christmas and so I have been listening to Sunny 99.1 while out and about...they are playing Christmas music non-stop. Watercolor and my new Lamy fountain pen.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Monday, November 26, 2007

salt water taffy

I bought this taffy at the General Store in Bass Pro Shop the day before favorite flavor is strawberry vanilla. We took the girls...they had never been there before...they loved the place! markers and pen.

Friday, November 23, 2007

what a cutie

Kris took this picture of Buckles...he's so cute!


Thursday, November 22, 2007

happy thanksgiving!

I sketched this from a label on a bottle of wine called "Dog Tail Vineyards". When I saw this wine bottle, I just had to buy's not that good, but I like the label. Chartpak ad markers & pen.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

schwinn scooter

I'd like one of these...I think it would be fun to cruise around on a nice cool sunny day. I see a lady on one almost everyday in our neighborhood. pen & watercolors.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

another fall leaf

I picked up this leaf yesterday morning in one of Chance's favorite spots while out was very foggy and misty.

Monday, November 19, 2007

t-shirt face

I quickly sketched this face in colored pencils from a t-shirt I saw in a catalog...I'm not sure if it's suppose to be Marilyn Monroe, but it reminds me of her face.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

watercolor study

I did this quick watercolor study after we finished painting our bathroom. I am so glad we are finished weekend, we are going to tile the floor.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

a view from a window

This is the top of a tree that I can see from my laundry room window...there are very few leaves left on this tree...the tree it close to the street, so you can't tell what kind of leaves are on this just see a few clusters of leaves. I took my sketchbook and pen in the laundry room to sketch the tree shape and then added some watercolors. I haven't used watercolors in awhile.

Friday, November 16, 2007

not just plain brown

This leaf caught my eye yesterday on our morning's not just plain brown it's sienna brown with polka dots. I think it's a magnolia leaf, but not sure.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

more doodles

These doodles are from TIME of my favorites. I look forward to Saturday afternoons (snail) mail because it always has my TIME in it.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

hot bread

I baked a loaf of banana bread yesterday...I just love the aroma that lingers in the kitchen afterwards. I'm like a little kid about stickers...this one is from one of the bananas I used.

Monday, November 12, 2007

shadow and questions

I took this picture a couple of weeks ago...there use to be an old barn on our property and part of the concrete is still there...Nancy-Betty 7-1-51 is etched in the concrete. I wonder if this is one person or two...if they are still alive...are they sisters or friends...did they live on this property at one time? Questions, questions and more questions!

yorkie doodles

These are a few quick sketches I did yesterday.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

doodles in red sketchbook

Yesterday, we took the babies to see Britt & Kris...we picked up lunch at Fazoli's and went to a park. I sketched this on the way home in the backseat. It's not easy sketching in a moving vehicle!

Sketched from the Houston Chronicle...I liked that it was an example of negative space.

This one is from a few weeks ago...this restaurant is in Base Pro Shop...everything was yummy!

I was looking through my red sketchbook that I carry with me at all times and noticed some doodles that I hadn't posted.

Friday, November 9, 2007


When I went to this morning and saw what the topic was this week, I thought how easy can you get...didn't have to do too much thinking!

lunch to go

I normally don't like tomato soup, but this one is good! I took it outside on our patio for lunch yesterday, so I could watch the babies romp around.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

another self-portrait

This morning I was writing out the check for our property taxes and decided to do a quick doodle of a portion of my face...I've read that if you can draw people, you can draw anything!

Last night, while watching House Hunters, I get a call from Britt telling me that Kris has rolled the 4-runner! Kris and her friend are ok, but the 4-runner is in bad shape! Britt just went to the Toyota dealership, where it was towed and took pictures, so I might post some of those later after she e-mails them to me. I just thank GOD that no one was hurt!


This is my first self portrait...boy was it hard to look in a mirror and only move my eyes and draw at the same time! There is an exercise in a book I bought a few weeks ago called "Keys to Drawing With Imagination...the exercise is all about obscuring. I decided to use bamboo, since we are thinking about planting a bamboo tree in our backyard. I know this looks nothing like me, but it was fun to do and maybe next time I will attempt my entire face.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

top hat...

They come runnin just as fast as they can, coz every girl crazy bout a sharp dressed man!

Chance and I were out running errands yesterday when the song Sharp Dressed Man by ZZ Top started playing on the radio and the rest is history! lol

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

profile sketch

I took a picture of Lisa's profile 6 weeks ago and just now got around to sketching it...I can definitely see the resemblance. I used a 3B time I think I will use a colored pencil...I think pen is too harsh for faces.

I'm trying to sketch at least one profile a week...I missed last week due to our little Buckles.

Monday, November 5, 2007

mmm...sugar babies

There's a General Store in Bass Pro Shop...they have all kinds of novelty candy. Next time I go, I plan on buying the salt water comes in a cute little box. I can't go shopping without looking for things to draw.

somebody help me!!!

Buckles took his first bath yesterday!

Saturday, November 3, 2007


I did this for Illustration Friday...the colors are off...I tried to adjust them in photoshop. I sketched this in my small 6x4 red sketchbook.

I watched a few youtube videos of Obama...hopefully I'll get to a cartoon of him this week.

Friday, November 2, 2007

Thursday, November 1, 2007


I sketched this mouse yesterday while standing at the island in the kitchen constantly telling Buckles "No, No, No!" I think I should have named him Trouble!