Friday, August 31, 2007


I decided to draw a cartoon football and added some football's that time of year.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

But Why?

This brought back so many memories...

Bonsai Tree Sketch

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Red Shoes

I love the color red! I bought these imitation "Crocs" at Wally World this morning for 5 bucks! Hmmm...maybe I'll sketch them.

Rub My Belly

This is the position and look Chance gives you when he wants his belly rubbed!

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

College Tuition

I saw this in the Houston Chronicle yesterday and could definitely relate to it! With (2) kids in college at the same time for the next (3) years, I might need to do something like this! lol

Monday, August 27, 2007

EDM#105...Draw some Scissors

Back To School

Britt was almost 3 years-old in this picture...she's a sophomore this year...where does time go?

Freshman in College

This is Kris when she was about 6 months old...I can't believe she's in is her first day!

Sunday, August 26, 2007

A Post for Kris

Here's another post for Kris...she wants to come home...just to see Chance!


Saturday, August 25, 2007

EDM#51...Draw Your TV

click on image to enlarge.

Friday, August 24, 2007

Fountain Sketch

I haven't sketched anything on location since I stopped going to therapy for my finger, so today, I decided to do a quick sketch of this fountain while out and about. Chance was with me, so I did a quick 5 minute sketch with pen and added a few wc's at home.

Simpler Life

I received this book yesterday...we shall see how simple life is in 30 days!

EDM#...Draw a Peach

I wish I could get the correct colors when I scan!

Thursday, August 23, 2007

EDM#69...Draw A Beverage

This is a little wonky and I had a tight squeeze with the markers in some places.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

EDM#124...Draw Something Yellow

You can click on the picture to read the Pencil Trivia...I found it interesting...but then, I like History.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Doodle of Endeavour

I watched shuttle Endeavour land at 11:32 a.m. on my laptop and quickly sketched what I could of it while eating my lunch. Call me strange, but I never get tired of watching space shuttles land...even tho I haven't seen one in awhile. There was a teacher on this shuttle. Sketched on a notepad with pencil.

Baby Chance

I just had to post this picture of's the day after Christmas 2004...he was 11 weeks old. He was so small and was as light as a feather! As you can see, he has always loved balls! I'm hoping I can talk DH into getting another baby soon...Chance and I are working on it! lol

This picture was taken before I had a digital camera.

Monday, August 20, 2007

Chance Sketch

I sketched this Thursday while watching Big of our favorite reality shows. Chance always lays at the end of our bed and watches TV...if he sees a dog on TV he gets up and sometimes he goes down his steps and puts his little paws on the TV stand and gets a better look at them. I'll be posting more pictures and sketches of Chance...K misses him!

Sunday, August 19, 2007

EDM#61: Draw a Grouping

I did this EDM a few days ago...I didn't have time to draw today...we moved B&K to college and by the time we got home, I was just to tired, so I remember I hadn't posted this EDM.

It's a little strange not having any kids at home...except for Chance, but we'll get used to it. K had a really hard time leaving Chance...she cried herself to sleep the past few days and this morning, she cried and didn't want to leave him. Luckily, they are just an 1 hour and 45 minutes away.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

TV Guide Doodles

If you click the image, you can read what I have wrote. I sketched these on a piece of copier paper with a felt tip pen.

Friday, August 17, 2007


I haven't posted a picture of Chance in awhile, so I thought I would. He loves to play ball!


Yesterday, we had a tropical storm slam into Texas...dumping rain, most people didn't need...we have had one of the wettest summers. Surfers love this kind of weather...they want to "catch" a big wave.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

EDM#3: Draw A Bag

This is my oldest daughters bag...full of rolled-up t-shirts...sitting in her room on the floor waiting to go back to college on Sunday. I plopped myself down on the floor with my sketchbook and a pen and drew this bag...I was going to just do an ink drawing, but decided it needed some color, so I added some of my chartpak markers. The bag is actually black, but I decided it needed to be an Aggie color and most of the t-shirts are white...just a little artistic licencing. I didn't realize it was an EDM until I was reading someones blog last night, so I killed two birds with one to speak.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Book of Questions

This book is awesome! It arrived in the mail's a very small book (3X5), but full of powerful questions! B&K like it so much that I have ordered them their own copy to take to college. It has 200 questions that really make you only cost a penny...well, actually $4.00 including the's over 20 years old and on the inside cover it has a written message that says Tom "Here is an aid for when our "late night talks hit a lull"! Love Beth and was wrote 6-17-87. It make you wonder if they are still together! I love to buy used books...sometimes there is a mystery there. lol

EDM#27...Draw A Book(s)

Here's a stack of library books about drawing cartoons and animation. I took a look at the EDM list and they have added 10 more items...I will probably never catch up, but it's nice to have a list to refer to when my brain can't think of anything to draw.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Morning Journal

I decided to try something different yesterday. I did a sketch journal from the time I woke up until Noon...I sketched things I had never sketched before or even thought about sketching. I wrote down the time and a brief description of what I did. I was glad I had only committed doing this until noon! I thought it would be interesting to sketch each time in a comic strip format. I used my new sketchbook journal that I bought at Hobby Lobby.

Monday, August 13, 2007

EDM#55...Draw a doorknob

I needed something quick to draw yesterday, so I looked down my EDM list and spotted doorknob. I drew a quick line drawing of my art room door and knob. The knobs are a little "wonky"(becoming one of my favorite words to describe things)'s hard to freehand a circle...especially in pen without being able to erase.

pen and ink in 6x6 raffine sketchbook

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Faceless Doodles

Not much time for drawing this weekend, so here are a few faceless faces from my "Face Off" book. Pen and ink in my larger aquabee sketchbook.

Saturday, August 11, 2007


This is the book that's by my bed right's a great inspirational book about drawing matter how bad you think your drawings are. This is Danny Gregory's second book...I also have his first book "Everyday Matters"...which is what got me started drawing the EDM challenges.

EDM#17...Draw A Musical Instrument

B&K are obsessed with this game! They play it everyday and plan on taking it with them to college...good thing they share a room! I sure hope they spend more time studying than playing! I used mostly ink and just a few markers.

Friday, August 10, 2007

Another Cartoon Dog

This expression reminds me of how Chance reacts when he sees popcorn.

Thursday, August 9, 2007


Does this look like a HERO to you? DH loves to watch the TV show Heroes...personally, I think it's corny. This is my version of Masi Oka aka doesn't really look like him, but then I'm not trying to draw realistic right now. Season 2 starts September 24 for any of you Heroes fans out there.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007


I don't even know what made me think of "The Muffin Man" nursery rhyme yesterday...maybe it's because both my daughters leave in 10 days for college. As I was finishing this sketch, K walked in the room and said "OMG, I didn't know we still had that! They use to listen to songs and stories every night while going to sleep. Where has time gone?!

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

EDM#33...Draw An Eye (s)

Just some eyes from a book called "Face Off"'s a great book on how to draw caricatures and comic portraits.

Monday, August 6, 2007


Web surfing that is! I saw this illustration in the coupon section of the Houston Chronicle on Sunday...yes, I'm a coupon clipper! I liked the simplicity of it and with (4) laptops around here right now, I see this all the time!

pen and Copic warm gray marker in small aquabee

Sunday, August 5, 2007

EDM #24...Draw A Piece of Fruit

I added the stickers from the bananas to my drawing...these bananas will become banana bread.

Saturday, August 4, 2007

EDM#37...Draw Some Keys

I remembered that "draw some keys" is on the EDM list, so I grabbed my moleskine out of my purse and quickly sketched *B's keys...she has so many discount cards on her key rings...I didn't sketch them all and only added a little marker...completed in about 5 minutes.

Friday, August 3, 2007


K is on her way to fish camp. I drew her little iPod yesterday because I knew she would take it with her... I like the bright color of it and I had the perfect color marker. I'm the only one in our family that doesn't have an iPod...DH uploads movies and TV shows and watches them when he travels. B&K have a ton of music on theirs. If I had one, I don't know that I would even use it.

pen and marker in small aquabee

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Art Table

I thought I would post a picture of my messy art the left is my list of EDM's and in the middle is a small and medium size Aquabee sketchbook and I think you can tell which are the Chartpak AD markers. This is my favorite place in our house!

EDM#96...Draw Something Sweet

This is a FUN SIZE bag of peanut M&M's...I buy these so I don't eat a whole large bag of M&M's.

EDM#1...Draw a Shoe

Another EDM...*K's shoe.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Spice Who?!

Ok...I just had to draw my version of Victoria Beckham aka Posh Spice...every time I open a magazine or read the newspaper...there she is! I can't decide why she never smiles, so here are some reasons:

1) she doesn't have any teeth

2) she wears dentures and is afraid they will fall out

3) she is miserable married to David Beckham

*K thinks he's soooo HOT...whatever, he's just a guy!